Alsea Falls FUNdraiser Shuttle Weekend
June 15, 2024 - June 16, 2024

Alsea Falls FUNdraiser Shuttle Weekends
Mark your calendars - the 2024 shuttle dates are set! This year the first weekend is June 15-16 and the second weekend is September 7-8.
As you may know, Team Dirt has a partnership with the Bureau of Land Management for maintaining the Alsea Falls trail system. Each year, 150+ volunteers contribute 2,000+ hours keeping the trails in tip-top shape. To do this work, we spend a substantial amount of money on equipment, supplies and maintenance. Our shuttle weekends provide the main source of funding for this work.
Registration will be on BikeReg, and will be posted here when it opens 30-45 days before the event. Ticket prices are TBD.
Did you know that we have photographers at all of the shuttle days, and chances are pretty good that, if you rode, we’ve got an awesome action shot of you. Have a look here, where we have photos from the past several years.